Juli 2019 Übersicht der IT-Events in Dresden

Veranstaltungsübersicht für den Juli 2019

Montag, 1. Juli

Dresden-Weekly – This is a weekly hackathon to push code for spare time projects forward. If you have your own project, you are welcome to present it here. If you want to make it more public we have good connections to other user groups and can help you get a slot there or create connections to other cities.

Dienstag, 2. Juli

Web und IT Netzwerktreffen – ab 19:00 Uhr bei Impacr Hub Dresden soll jeder ein kleines Thema mitbringen, was im letzen Monat gefunden oder ausprobiert worden ist.

Mittwoch, 3. Juli

Dresdner Unix-Stammtisch – ab 19:00 Uhr.

Donnerstag, 4. Juli

Ansible – Dynamic Inventory – findet ab 17:30 Uhr, an der Stresemannpl. 9 statt.

Dresden Perl Morgens – ab 20 Uhr im Newtown Bar wird Perl-Einstiegsthemen und für Fortgeschrittenen geboten.

Montag, 8. Juli

Dresden-Weekly – This is a weekly hackathon to push code for spare time projects forward. If you have your own project, you are welcome to present it here. If you want to make it more public we have good connections to other user groups and can help you get a slot there or create connections to other cities.

Mittwoch, 10. Juli

Linux User Group – findet ab 20:00 Uhr im GAG 18 statt.

Donnerstag, 11. Juli

C++ User Group – ab 19:00 Uhr bei LogMeln Germany GmbH. Benjamin Prestele will give us some details to the inhouse asynchronous communication framework for crossing language and runtime boundaries.

JavaScript User Group – ab 19:00 Uhr. Jeden Monat treffen sich zum Besprechen von aktuellen Entwicklungen.

Montag, 15. Juli

Dresden-Weekly – This is a weekly hackathon to push code for spare time projects forward. If you have your own project, you are welcome to present it here. If you want to make it more public we have good connections to other user groups and can help you get a slot there or create connections to other cities.

Donnerstag, 18. Juli

KI-Stammtisch- ab 19:00 Uhr wird alles Rund ums Thema KI und ML diskutiert.

Montag, 22. Juli

Dresden-Weekly – This is a weekly hackathon to push code for spare time projects forward. If you have your own project, you are welcome to present it here. If you want to make it more public we have good connections to other user groups and can help you get a slot there or create connections to other cities.

Montag, 29. Juli

Dresden-Weekly – This is a weekly hackathon to push code for spare time projects forward. If you have your own project, you are welcome to present it here. If you want to make it more public we have good connections to other user groups and can help you get a slot there or create connections to other cities.


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