May 2021 overview IT-Events

May 2021 Overview C++ IT-Events

Monday, 3. May

Pure Virtual C++ – [Online] A free one-day virtual conference for the whole C++ community. All sessions will be streamed to Learn TV with a live Q&A session. Sessions will be available to view on Learn TV and YouTube after the event has finished.

Tuesday, 4. May

C++ 20 Interactive – [Online] We discuss deeply technical specifics regarding Modern C++ and how to modernize code up to that standard. Introductory and advanced questions and answers are interleaved with the goal of everyone getting some benefit moment to moment.
The structured meeting will start at 7:10 Austin, Texas time. Please be early!

Wednesday, 5. May

Blockchain Meetup Saxony – [Online] Christoph Jentzsch talk about “Ethereum 2.0 – DeepDive Ausblick auf die Zukunft und Skalierungsmöglichkeiten”.

Monday, 10. May

Dresdner Drupal User Group – [Online] without Agenda.

Tuesday, 11. May

Meeting C++ – [Online] in May meeting features Klaus Iglberger talking about Design Patterns – Facts and Misconceptions! This purpose of this talk is to help to separate facts from misconceptions. It explains what software design is, how Design Patterns fit in, and what an idiom is. Also, it addresses the following misconceptions about Design Patterns.

C++ 20 Interactive – [Online] We discuss deeply technical specifics regarding Modern C++ and how to modernize code up to that standard. Introductory and advanced questions and answers are interleaved with the goal of everyone getting some benefit moment to moment. The structured meeting will start at 7:10 Austin, Texas time. Please be early!

TYPO3 UG Dresden – [Online] this online meeting deals with the topics Git + ddev + Composer, development and deployment – best practices. The introductory lecture will be given by Thomas Kieslich.

Wednesday, 12. May

Utah C++ Programmers – [Online] This month, Richard Thomson will guide us through a case study in resurrecting, rejuvenating, and modernizing old code. We’ll be looking at an implementation of some code that writes the Computer Graphics Metafile file format — a file format for storing 2D graphic primitives and their associated rendering attributes.

Thursday, 13. May

North Denver Metro C++ Meetup – [Online] Matt has graciously agreed to present on the current state of Compiler Explorer, what has recently changed, and maybe some things coming in the future.

Monday, 17. May

ADC++ – [VorOrt und Virtuell] ADC++ ist eine deutschsprachige C++ Konferenz in München. Nach dem Workshoptag folgen 2 Tage Vortragssessinos. Sowohl die Workshops als auch die Vorträge werden vor Ort gehalten und virtuell gestreamt.

Tuesday, 18. May

DEV/DES DAYS 2021 – [Online] Join 3000+ software developers and designers to get inspired by keynotes and learn from hands-on sessions and each other. Discuss designer-developer collaboration and develop your skills during our 4-day virtual event. Registration is now open!

San Diego C++ – [Online] Every program may encounter errors, some originating from internal bugs in the program, others coming from the environment the program is operating in. Ignoring all errors will make the program utterly unreliable, while treating every conceivable one introduces lots of extra complexity with little benefit. This lecture teaches our method, so that you in your next project, too, can write more reliable software with less effort.

C++ TO The Toronto C++ User Group – [Online] In this talk Matt will show a toy path tracer project (a form of ray tracer) implemented in three different styles: traditional object oriented, functional, and data-oriented design. He’ll then compare and contrast his experiences developing in each case, showing how often the compiler is able to reduce each style to similar performing code. There will be some surprises – and of course some Compiler Explorer usage!

Wednesday, 19. May

WordPress Meetup Dresden – [Online] In this meetup Daniel Hüsken explains why a multisite is good for multilingualism on the WP website and how to use the WP plugin “MultilingualPress”.

C++ 20 Interactive – [Online] We discuss deeply technical specifics regarding Modern C++ and how to modernize code up to that standard. Introductory and advanced questions and answers are interleaved with the goal of everyone getting some benefit moment to moment. The structured meeting will start at 7:10 Austin, Texas time. Please be early!

Thursday, 20. May

MUC++ – [Online] The Conan package manager for C++ is useful in both simple and advanced development environments. Join the Conan team to see it in action, with a simple demo using OSS libraries and tools from ConanCenter, and a more complete demo showing how to create and upload a package including different binaries for different platforms to a private repository. Also, learn about many other unique and innovative advanced Conan features along the way.

Tuesday, 25. May

C++ 20 Interactive – [Online] We discuss deeply technical specifics regarding Modern C++ and how to modernize code up to that standard. Introductory and advanced questions and answers are interleaved with the goal of everyone getting some benefit moment to moment. The structured meeting will start at 7:10 Austin, Texas time. Please be early!


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