November 2022 Overview IT-Events

November 2022 Overview IT-Events

Wednesday, 9. November

Meeting C++ – [Online] This meeting features an AMA with Sean Parent.

Thursday, 10. November

Cocoaheads Leipzig – [Online] Torsten talks about, how he sandboxed a 3rd party VPN client himself, including a detour into OS virtualization.

JavaScript Meetup – JavaScript is better than no programming language at all without metaprogramming and first-class functions.

Every month we meet to discuss current developments and listen to talks and kick and chat!

Thursday, 17. November

Agile Co:learning – [Online] Develop your Agile Maturity together with others and become part of Berlin’s Co:Learning Community!
This free event is an open space, which we will moderate. You are free to choose the topics regarding new work, agile working, scrum, retrospectives, leadership at eye level, organizational development or whatever else comes to your mind on the topic of new working environments.

Rust Community Stuttgart – [Online] A Place for Meeting, Show Projects, Discussions, and anything else we have in mind.

Meeting C++ in Berlin – The Meeting C++ 2022 Conference will take place in Berlin at the Vienna House Andels Hotel from the 17th – 19th November 2022.

Tuesday, 22. November

DotVVM Community Meetup – [Online] Join us to talk about the coolest features in .NET 7 announced at the .NET Conf 2022 with the authors of DotVVM.

  • News in ASP.NET Core
  • New language features in C# 11
  • Building hybrid apps with .NET MAUI
  • Migration of legacy ASP.NET Web Forms apps to .NET 7
    We’ll show you how to get the most out of these features with .NET 7 and DotVVM.

MUC++ – [Online] To account for the complexity of the topic, this talk focuses exclusively on providing a comprehensive introduction to the coroutine syntax, without discussing any advanced use cases. However, with the knowledge obtained from this talk, attendees will be able to easily follow more advanced presentations of coroutines later on without getting lost in the technical details of its peculiar syntax.

Wednesday, 23. November

TYPO3 User Group – In our meet-ups, we place a special focus on TYPO3 applications, but we also cordially invite people with a different CMS background. Because our most important goal is to find the best solutions for the problems of our customers together – this also includes the connection with other technologies.

Thursday, 24. November

C++ User Group Karlsruhe – [Online] We meet on the platform and form groups to discuss about various topics, from C++ to Rust, from embedded to functional programming.

Take a look at our currently advertised jobs.
We look forward to receiving your application!



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