September 2023 Overview IT-Events

September 2023 Overview IT-Events

Friday, 1. September

Agile Maturity – [Online] You want to become a Scrum Master and need more information about how to get there? You want to start your own business as a Scrum Master? Or you have questions about your Scrum Team or want to better understand the role of the Product Owner? Mr. Becker will answer any question you have! as well as look at how you can prepare your retrospective or what pitfalls can arise in an interview.

Wednesday, 6. September

Rust Community Stuttgart – [Online] A Place for Meeting, Show Projects, Discussions, and anything else. Let they organize spontaneous Coding Dojos, Katas, Live Coding, Online Pair Programming by demand.

Wednesday, 13. September

WeAreDevelopers LIVE – Java Developer Day – [Online] There are four presentations lined up, with the first one titled “Write tests you love, not hate,” presented by Jens Happe, Head of Software Engineering at Chrono24 and Founder of Sparkteams.
The second presentation is titled “Introduction and pitfalls of Java’s new concurrency model,” featuring David Vlijmincx, Senior Java Developer at Team Rockstars.
The third presentation explores the topic of “Why Kotlin is the better Java and how you can start using it,” presented by Iris Hunkeler, Software Engineer & Consultant at Netlight.
The fourth presentation is titled “I will have to refactor! And now? Refactoring Techniques in Java,” led by Kamila Santos, Tech Lead at Zup Innovation.

Meeting C++ – [Online] Kevlin Henney will give the opening keynote at Meeting C++ 2023!
Kevlin Henney is a well known in our community for his writing, speaking and his contributions to the C++ Standard!
He is an independent consultant, speaker, writer and trainer. His development interests are in programming, people and practice. He has been a columnist for a number of magazines and sites, including The Register, CUJ and C++ Report, a contributor to open- and closed0source software, and a member of more committees than is probably healthy (it has been said that “a committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled”).

Thursday, 14. September

JavaScript User Group – JavaScript is better than no programming language at all without metaprogramming and first-class functions. Every month a meeting is organized to discuss current developments, listen to lectures and kick and chat!

Friday, 15. September

Rust Community Stuttgart – [Online] A Place for Meeting, Show Projects, Discussions, and anything else. Let they organize spontaneous Coding Dojos, Katas, Live Coding, Online Pair Programming by demand.

Tuesday, 19. September

Digital Craftsmanship Nordoberpfalz – [Online] With the advent of Software as a Service (Saas) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and their associated container architectures, microservices, or anything we now call cloud native, the castle became more and more dilapidated. The old ways of securing a network don’t work for a distributed system. In this talk by Sven Kutzer, you’ll learn why that is and what works instead.

Wednesday, 20. September

WeAreDevelopers LIVE – Angular Day – [Online] In the past years, we could witness the rise of many JavaScript frameworks- but one of them got especially popular: Angular. It helps you create your websites at a much faster pace, in an easier way, and with a whole lot of style. Therefore we finally decided to give this amazing piece of tech the chance of having its dedicated topic day here at WeAreDevelopers Live!

Thursday, 21. September

Agile Co:learning- [Online] Join us for Agile Co:learning, our community event with space to learn and try. Come join us and bring yourself and your ideas! Format, moderation, and flow are not fixed. There is the Zoom Link and a Miro board as a learning space – everything else is open and the responsibility of the people who attend.

Thursday, 28. September

C++ User Group Karlsruhe – [Online] We meet on the platform and form groups to discuss about various topics, from C++ to Rust, from embedded to functional programming.
We can form groups spontaneously. If you want, you can suggest topics, vote for and pick topics at.
This game will be tried out! If you feel like it, come to EWERK and let the games begin.

Friday, 29. September

JUG SAXONY DAY 2023 – Since the beginning, the JUG Saxony Day has stood for sustainable knowledge exchange, inspiration, innovation and networking for everyone whose heart beats for IT and software development. The conference will take place on September 29, 2023 in Radebeul near Dresden.


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